The Benefits of Using Soy Wax and Soy Wicks in Candles

The Benefits of Using Soy Wax and Soy Wicks in Candles

When it comes to choosing the perfect candle for your home, you might find yourself overwhelmed with the variety of options available. Among the many choices, soy wax candles have been gaining popularity for good reasons. In addition to the wax itself, the type of wick used can also make a significant difference in the candle’s performance and burn quality. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of using soy wax and soy wicks in candles.

What is Soy Wax?

Soy wax is a natural wax derived from soybean oil. It’s a renewable resource that’s biodegradable, making it an eco-friendly choice for candle making. Unlike paraffin wax, which is derived from petroleum, soy wax burns cleaner and produces less soot, making it a healthier option for you and the environment.

Benefits of Soy Wax Candles

Clean Burning

One of the most significant benefits of soy wax candles is their clean-burning nature. Soy wax burns more evenly and cleanly compared to paraffin wax, reducing the amount of soot and toxins released into the air. This makes soy candles a healthier choice, especially for those with respiratory issues or sensitivities to strong fragrances.

Longer Lasting

Soy wax candles tend to burn slower and cooler than paraffin wax candles, resulting in a longer burn time. This means you get to enjoy your favorite scents for a longer period without having to replace the candle as frequently.


As mentioned earlier, soy wax is a renewable resource that’s biodegradable. Choosing soy wax candles over those made from paraffin wax helps reduce your carbon footprint and supports sustainable farming practices.

Better Scent Throw

Soy wax has a better scent throw, meaning it holds and releases fragrance more effectively than other types of wax. This results in a more aromatic and enjoyable experience when burning soy wax candles.

What are Soy Wicks?

Soy wicks are wicks made from natural cotton or a blend of cotton and paper, specifically designed for use with soy wax candles. These wicks are typically free from lead and other harmful substances, making them a safer option for candle burning.

Benefits of Soy Wicks

Even Burn

Soy wicks are designed to provide an even burn, helping to distribute the wax evenly across the surface of the candle. This ensures a consistent and long-lasting burn, allowing you to get the most out of your soy wax candles.

Reduced Mushrooming

Mushrooming occurs when the tip of the wick carbonizes and creates a mushroom-like shape at the top of the candle. Soy wicks are less prone to mushrooming, resulting in a cleaner and more efficient burn.


Like soy wax, soy wicks are also eco-friendly and biodegradable, making them a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious consumers.


Choosing soy wax and soy wicks for your candles offers a range of benefits that go beyond just aesthetics and fragrance. From cleaner burning and longer-lasting candles to supporting sustainable and eco-friendly practices, soy-based candles are an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their home with the warm glow and inviting scents of candles. Next time you’re shopping for candles, consider opting for those made from soy wax and soy wicks to enjoy a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable candle-burning experience.

Jared Bruno

Jared Bruno is a proud USAF veteran and former law enforcement officer who has dedicated his life to serving our country and community. This commitment to service, integrity, and excellence serves as the foundation upon which our company stands.